“Suzie is a naturally understanding and non-judgmental healer. With her guidance, I feel comfortable addressing very personal issues I’ve been unwilling to work on with other healers. I’m grateful for the emotional healing that Suzie has helped me achieve, and I am beginning to see the severe irritable bowel symptoms I've had since the age of ten resolves as well.”
– LA
"My sessions with Suzie have been profound as I’ve experienced deep healing in a way I’ve never before experienced. I’ve worked with several energy workers throughout my life but have never felt the total relief of deep seated karmic history as I have with Suzie.
In addition, two months prior to working with Suzie I went to the ER with high blood pressure after. After just a few sessions my blood pressure lowered considerably and I now take half the medications I was prescribed.
The best part is her healing work is conducted remotely in the comfort of my own home. Time and distance does not matter with her healing sessions.
I can't thank Suzie enough for the incredible shift I’ve experienced within myself in just a few sessions.”
– Lois R., Germantown, Wisconsin
"During my session with Suzie I went inward and let things unfold naturally rather than trying to force the process. I felt so completely safe and entered the most wonderful meditative state where I could feel cloudy layers of tensions leaving my soul body. Such a simple and effective body / mind release technique with lasting profound benefits. Thank you for what you do, Suzie!”
– Charlotte K, Wichita, Kansas
"For three years I had pain from a hernia which doctors told me I needed surgery to repair. After just two energy healing and meditation sessions with Suzie, I’ve had no pain for over a year. Suzie addressed both my physical and emotional issues with great success during just a few healing and meditation sessions. I feel better and have greater confidence in my quality of life as I age. Thanks, Suzie, for all you’ve done for me.”
– Ron W, Costa Rica
“I went to Suzie to get help with weight loss. We worked through my issues and anxieties concerning obesity. The process was quick and emotionally painless. Suzie helped reprogram my body to want to exercise and lose weight. I joined a gym the next day and have been losing pounds ever since.”
— SP

"I owned a business that cleaned everything from meth labs to suicides. After five years the PTSD and depression were overwhelming. I didn’t want to talk to a shrink, take anti-depressants or go on vacation. In my experience, these options temporarily relieved stress, but never addressed the root causes. I'm a conservative ‘science guy’ who likes data to prove something before I go around claiming it works. I decided to work with Suzie and she immediately put me at ease. She has a way of combining science and spirituality.
From the moment we met, Suzie pinpointed where in my body I was holding negative energy. She quickly tapped into how problems from my childhood still had profound effects on my thought processes and actions today. By going deep into these root causes, I was able to release pent up emotional energy. After working with Suzie I immediately felt better, but the effects went way beyond that and continue to help me limit stress, make smarter decisions, and avoid self-destructive habits. I quickly wished I would have done this years ago.
I'm very excited about the future and the life I’m creating. Suzie is truly a master at her craft!”
– JK
“Suzie helped me release feelings of fear, unworthiness, shame, guilt and anger regarding money and sexuality. The day following our session I felt taller and lighter as if I was wearing a new pair of glasses through which everything looked cleaner and brighter. I now have more clarity and know I’m worthy and deserving of all good things.
With my blocks cleared, there’s nothing to stop me or hold me back. Suzie is such a bright shining light; to be near her is like having angel wings wrapped around holding you. She creates such a warm, safe place to do deep healing work.”
— TM
"I was so impressed with and grateful for Suzie’s compassionate and intuitive professionalism. I sensed a profound acceptance from her right away, and a sensitivity to my individuality that enabled me to feel safe enough to look deeply into a piece of my past that was troublesome, yet outside my present conscious awareness. Suzie guided me with an experienced knowing that the journey, though not without its temporary cathartic discomforts, was nevertheless an important and healing one for me to take. The takeaway benefits will continue to unfold and old wounds will yet further heal. Thank you again, Suzie, and I look forward to our next enlightening session.”
— BK
"I have been through a rough season, since the passing on of my husband. I have been reflecting and trying to figure out my future path as well as focused on making sure that my 4 children were doing okay. Somewhere along the way, I lost sight of the NOW moment that really is all we have. The Mindfulness Meditation Retreat helped me learn several different ways that I can bring my focus back to this moment so I can enjoy life again. I made new friends and found out that even if someone isn't going through my exact situation, we are all on a similar journey and can benefit from sharing what we have learned and experienced to start the healing process."

“My goal was to heal from the past, through and into the present using past-life regression. Suzie assured me the steps would be gentle, yet natural and at all times I felt safe and nurtured. She led me so deep into my inner self and I was able to obtain information from at least two past eras, which paralleled and connected me with the present.It’s taken several weeks to process what I learned, which opened me up to heal in ways I could never have accessed otherwise. I extend sincere gratitude to Suzie for her continuous and gracious support."

Workshop Love
“My experience at the Art of Letting Go workshop was amazing! Suzie has great energy and a warm heart. I was able to let issues go that I have struggled with for sometime. I was able to revisit techniques for learning to love myself more. I was introduced to things that touched my heart deeply. No regrets! Great experience!”
— DU
“The work done in the Art of Letting Go workshop was the most powerful work I've ever done or encountered. Other workshops talk about "letting go" but the techniques in this workshop make true freedom from the past a reality. Anyone truly wanting to grow needs to take this workshop.”
— DC
“My first retreat experience was graciously guided. Suzie had a keen sense of what roads needed to be traveled. It was as if, she already knew where I wanted to be led. The most profound was to be invited to show ‘Myself’ Mercy and Compassion and yet so gentle of an invitation. Our Meditation Retreat Facilitator presented the Spirits Ideas ‘Artfully and Insightful.’ It provided me a safe and secure environment to learn the basic meditation concept. Everything I could have asked for just was! I am so 'grateful' for the privilege to lean into a new dimension. Namaste’”
— LL
"The Soul Work workshop series is an incredibly enlightening program. Suzie guides participants through understanding themselves and the world around them in a leveled up way. She provides valuable tools and insights to understand and navigate emotions, trauma and the energetic dynamic that exists in all things. The outcome of the program is a more clear, peaceful and love filled reality. Don’t get me wrong, this type of change does take effort, but if you’re willing to be open and curious, this program will be the catalyst for change and life improvement. I highly recommend this workshop series as a robust starting point or enhancement to your development journey."
— Lindsay B. Lawton, OK
“After I attended Suzie's first two workshops of her Soul Work Series, my life was catapulted onto the path I had been imagining. A guy I had dated in high school sent me a message (just days after the first workshop). I didn't see it until after days after the second workshop. After many hours of long distance phone conversations we realized our puppy love was now a much deeper connection. I was amazed as I began crossing things off my mental vision board. To make a long story short, I'm selling my rentals and will be living in my dream house just north of Houston by the end of the year. I'm astounded by the changes and also have a deep sense that this is how it was meant to be all along. I just had to let go of the baggage of my past and accept it. I really appreciate you for having a place that like minded people can learn and grow. Suzie had an unbelievable way of getting to the core of my being. Thank you, thank you, thank you!”
— TM
“The Mindfulness Meditation Retreat was such a wonderful experience – both relaxing and healing. Suzie’s workspace allows such clear and deep connection that meditating there is a joy. I am able to experience stillness there that I can’t in other environments. During the day-long retreat we did a variety of meditations and healing practices, and had a delicious, healthy meal and I never felt anxious or bored. It was a well-guided day full of acceptance, releasing, and relaxing. What a great way to move along your spiritual path by meditating the day away!”
“Having come from a Religious Christian background, I was taught meditation was bad. However, in my own studies I came across a scripture that said to "...meditate on it, day and night..." (Joshua 1:8). Then I saw that Isaac in Genesis 24:63 went out to meditate. Not to mention that we are suppose to "take captive every thought and imagination..."2 Corinthians 10:5. I went on a Christian Prayer Retreat and found that "prayer" was the Christian word for Meditation. So I ventured to my first Group Meditation with Suzie. I was pleasantly surprised! It was the most relaxation that I had experienced in over a year and there was absolutely nothing to fear. I was told before we even started what to expect and given the freedom to make my own decisions if something didn't feel right without worrying about offending her. I freely participated in the whole event and left feeling refreshed, energetic, and knew I would return again.”